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The following audio files are currently available on this site:

You can click the title to play, or right click and choose save target as to download the file.

The following three audio files are a continuing conversation between two neighbours about how food, home butchering, animal husbandry, and food preferences have changed since the good old days.

Heenafleesch en Schwienstjast

Yash en Peeta ve'tale ons von äah Groot'Muttash Koak'sel en Schwienstjast fräajoasch en siedlijch Manitoba.

Jake and Peter tell us about their grandmother's cooking and pig slaughtering bees yesteryear in southern Manitoba.

Junges Motte Schlachte Liehre

Peeta ve'tald ons meea von Schwien'Schlachte enn sajt ons woo hee jeleaht haft Heina too schlachte enn reedmoake opp dee Famielje Foarm.

Peter tells us more about pig slaughtering bees and describes how he learned how to kill and prepare chickens on the family farm

Peeta Dee Schlajchta Jäaja

Peeta ve'tald Yash von woo hee eene Stintjkaut jacht haud aus hee jung wea. Dee beid rede von woo Tiere nu aundasch behaundelt send aus wann see jung weare en woo Peeta nu aundasch äte deit.

Peter tells Jake how he hunted a skunk when he was young. They both talk about how animals are treated differently now than when they were young and about how Peter's diet has changed.


This wonderful song was forwarded down a long chain of emails and efforts were undertaken to discover the singer and songwriter. I have just learned he is Hank Neufeld of Macgregor, Manitoba! Thanks to Robert J. Plett; Clare, Peter Wiens, Christopher Cox, Elizabeth Kasdorf and others on the Plautdietsch-L Digest.

Thanks to Mr. Neufeld's permission for this song to stay on this website for the time being. See also Other Audio Resources. The CD can be purchased for CAD $15.00 directly from Mr. Neufeld at:

Box 523 MacGregor M.B.
ph: 204-685-2822

Robb en Yash rede von Väajel , Nohmes, Schauspell en Sposs

Robb and Jake Talk About Birds, Names, Drama and Humour

This web site is operated by Jim Derksen, of Winnipeg, Manitoba in Canada. You may contact me at anytime by just clicking on my name throughout the site.