Low German Dictionary, Kjenn Jie Noch Plautdietsch?
By Herman Rempel
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läaja Druck - low pressure.
läaja Priess - low price.
läajch , läaja , läajchste - low, lower, lowest.
Läajcht - f. (pl: e) lake, pond, a small brook.
Läajes - n. lies, fibs, untruths.
Läajesoatijch - deceitful, mendacious.
Läajna - m. liar, prevaricator.
läajre - to lower.
lache - to laugh.
lachrijch - laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous.
Lack - f. lacquer, varnish, shellac.
Lada - f. (pl: re) ladder.
Lada - n. (pl: sch) skin, leather.
Ladajoawa - m. (pl: sch) leather tanner.
ladana - m. leathern, of leather.
ladane - f. leathern, of leather.
ladane - pl adjective of leather.
Ladawoage - m. wagon with a hayrack.
ladijch - empty, vacant, void, blank.
ladja Haunt - empty handed.
ladje - verb, to empty.
ladjet ekj - vanity.
ladjet Jepuch - empty bragging.
ladrijch - leathery.
lädwäkj - soft and pliable; a frame that is not well built.
Lafitte - the riot act, (Ekj woa die de Lafitte fäaläse; I
will read you the riot act).
Lag'rits - m. licorice.
Laj daut doa enunja - Lay it under there.
Laja - m. (pl: sch) layer (hen).
Lajchakomm - f. collander; see also Derjchschlach.
laje - to lay.
Lajhan - a laying hen.
Lakj - f. (pl: e) drop.
Lakjabeskje - n. (pl: s) a choice morsel, a tidbit, a dainty, a delicacy.
lakje - to drip, to leak.
lakjsch - having a tendency to leak.
lakjtrisch - electric.
lakjtrische Laump - electric bulb.
Lakjtrischetät - f. electricity.
läme - to maim, paralyze.
Lämung - f. (pl: e) paralysis, palsy.
Län - f. (pl: e) the backrest of a chair or a bench.
läne - to lean back on a backrest.
Läne - n. predilection, preference, partiality, tendency.
lang diare - to take a long time.
lange - to reach, to strive; to pass; to hand to; to suffice; to be
enough or sufficient.
lange Locke - long tresses.
langläwent - long lived, longevity.
langsom - slow, slowly.
Langsomkjeit - tardiness.
lank - tall; long.
Lankboom - m. a wagon reach.
lankwiel - m. monotony.
lankwielijch - monotonous, tedious, boring, tiresome, humdrum. polix.
lankwielijch räde - harangue.
Läpel - m. (pl: s) spoon.
Läpelkost - f. dessert.
Läpelstäl - m. (pl: s) spoon handle.
läple - to spoon out.
läsboa - legible.
Läsbüak - n. reader, textbook.
lasche - to erase, extinguish, quench.
läse - to read.
Lashpa'pia - n. blotting paper.
Lässtow - f. reading room.
lastalijch - scandalous, shocking.
Lata - f. (pl: Latre) letter of the alphabet.
La'tiensch - Latin; Roman script.
latst - the other day, some time ago, recently.
latsta - m. the last one.
latste - f. the last one.
latste - n. plural, the last ones.
latste Jeläajenheit - the last chance.
latste Statsjoon - terminus, terminal.
Laufkje - n. a small store.
Laufkjebaunt - n. store string.
Laum - n. (pl: Lama) lamb.
Laump - f. (pl: e) lamp.
Laumpeglauss - n. lamp chimney.
Laumpelijcht - n. lamp light.
Laumpeschorm - m. lamp shade.
launde - to land.
laundesjehearijch - belonging to a nation, a citizen of.
Laundessproak - f. national language.
Laune - f. whims.
launisch - odd, whimsical.
Launt - n. land, country.
Launtäjendeema - m. land owner.
Launtenj - peninsula, landsend.
Launtfe'roda - m. (pl: sch) traitor.
Launtjesats - n. a national law.
Launtkaunsla - m. politician.
Launtkoat - f. a map.
Launtmacht - f. national force.
Launtmäta - m. a surveyor.
Launtrigje - m. brow of land, ridge.
Launtschoft - f. scenery, landscape.
Launtsfolkj - natives.
Launtsrot - m. prefect, marshal.
Launtwirtschoft - f. a farm, agricultural activity.
Laupe - m. (pl: s) flap, rag, duster, cloth.
Laupesenja - m. an unimportant errand runner, helper.
Laups - m. (pl: e) dolt, sap, milksop.
laupsijch - halfwitted.
lausche - to join together like two pieces of lumber, to fasten together,
Laust - f. (pl: e) burden, onus, vice, travail, encumbrance.
Laust auflaje - to unburden.
Laustwoage - m. truck.
Laut - f. (pl: e) wooden rail, thin log.
Lautehüss - n. log house, log cabin.
Lautelomm - f. raft.
Lauts - f. (pl: e) a trouser fly.
lauwoam - (M) see leiwoam.
Lauzhua - flabby eared individual; a dimwit.
Läwa - f. liver.
läwe - to live, exist.
Läwe - n. (pl: s) life; noisy behaviour; vitality, energy, liveliness.
läwelank - lifelong.
läwendijch - alive, lusty, genial, energetic, lively.
Läwesendaniss - vicissitude; change in life's direction.
Läwesfesejchrinj - f. life insurance.
Läweskrauft - f. vitality.
Läweslea - f. biology.
Läweslost - f. enjoyment of life, spryness, vivaciousness, spiritedness.
Läwesmeddel - n. life's provisions.
Läwesowent - m. the eve of life.
Läwestiet - f. a lifetime.
Läwesunjahault - m. livelihood.
Läweswaundel - m. philosophy of life.
Lea - f. (pl: re) instruction, doctrine, tenet.
Leabüak - n. textbook.
Lealinkj - n. (pl: Lealinja) student, apprentice.
Leaordninj - f. (pl: e) course, curriculum.
Leaplon - (pl: s) curiculum, syllabus.
Leara - m. (pl: sch) teacher, instructor.
Learaaumt - n. teaching position, professorship.
Leara'rin - f. (pl: e) female teacher.
Learaunstault - f. (pl: e) college, academy, university, institute of
leare - to learn; teach, to study.
lebbre - to sip, to drink slowly.
leef - to hold dear, beloved.
leef habe - to hold dear, to be fond of, to love.
Leefhabe'rie - f. (pl: e) hobby.
Leefsta - m. dearest.
Leefste - f. dearest.
Leefste - plural, dearest.
leeftolijch - charming, amiable, kind, lovable.
Leeftolijchkjeit - f. (pl: e) kindness.
Leem - loam, clay.
Leemboddem - m. clay soil.
leemijch - clayey.
Leemkot - f. clay hut.
leemna - m. adj. of clay.
leemne - f. adj. of clay.
leemne - pl. adj. of clay.
leese - to solve, resolve, untie.
Leest - f. (pl: e) molding, wood stripping, baseboard; shoemaker's last;
leet - rueful, regret, repent, sorry for.
Leet - n. (pl: Leeda) song, ditty.
Leew - f. love.
leewa - rather, preferably, sooner.
leewe - to love.
Leewe - m. (M) lion, see Leiw.
leewentiet , waut leewentiet - an expression of surprise or impatience;
for the love of time, for gosh sakes!.
leewladijch - devoid of love, loveless, unloving.
Leewoakj - m. (pl: e) lark.
leewre - to deliver; to behave.
lefte - to air.
leida - unfortunate.
Leida - (pl: a) leader.
leidaweinijch - unfortunately few.
leide - to lead, to guide, to chair, to preside.
Leide - n. misfortune.
Leideschoft - passion.
Leidhaumel - m. (pl: s) a bellweather.
Leidinj - guidance, leadership.
Leijch - (pl: e) body, corpse, cadaver.
Leijchfe'ausche - cremate.
leijcht , leijchta , leijchste - easy, easier, easiest; light, lighter,
lightest; simple, simpler, simplest.
leijcht bewäajcht - easily excited.
leijcht foadijch - thoughtless.
leijchta moake - to simplify, to facilitate.
leijchtkoppijch - light headed.
leijchtre Ommstend - easier circumstances.
leijchtsennijch - frivolous.
leis - softly, gently, quietly.
leiste - to treat, to render, to afford.
Leistungsfoll - efficient.
Leiw - m. (pl: s) lion.
Leiwent - m. canvas, buckram, linen, denim.
Leiwentbekjse - f. denim overalls.
Leiwenthendla - m. linendraper.
Leiwentloake - n. tarpaulin.
Leiwentwaums - n. denim jacket.
Leiwesgruft - f. lions' den.
leiwoam , (M: lauwoam) - lukewarm; tepid.
Lekjamül - m. gourmet.
lekjmüle - to smack the lips in anticipation of food, to lick the
Lekjsikoon - m. (pl: s) dictionary, lexicon.
Lekjsikoonmoaka - m. lexigrapher, compiler of dictionaries.
Lelje - f. lily.
Le'maun - f. (pl: e) bog, swamp.
Lemp - f. (pl: e) trouser leg.
Lende - loins.
Lengd - (pl: e) length, longitudinal.
lengdhan - from beginning to end.
lengst - (comp. of lank) longest; a long time ago; along.
Lenj - f. (pl: e) thigh, flank.
lenja - (comp of lank) longer.
lenkjboa - governable, controllable.
lenkje - to steer, to guide, to sway, to direct.
lenkjlijch - longish, oblong.
lenkjlijch runt - oval.
Lenkjraut - n. steering wheel.
Lenkjstang - f. handlebar.
Lepp - f. (pl: e) lip.
Leppefoaw - f. lipstick.
Leppstock - n. lovage, (legusticum) related to the celery plant. Used
by the early Mennonites for external and internal medical purposes.
Also used for food flavouring. (Still grown in some gardens but seldom
Lest - deceit.
lestalijch - slanderous, scandalous, shocking, blasphemous.
lestijch - wily, crafty, cunning.
lestre - to malign, slander, defame.
Lets - f. (pl: e) a belt loop.
liebkoose - to hug.
Lieblinkj - n. (pl: Lieblinja) pet, minion.
Lied - people, folk.
liedalijch - obnoxious, rowdy.
liede - to suffer; to tolerate.
liedrijch - mischievous, mean, troublesome.
liee - to lend or borrow.
Lief - n. (pl: Liew) body, abdomen.
Liefdeena - m. a valet.
Liefloch - n. orifice.
Liefrock - m. a frock coat'.
Liefschniedinj - f. constipation, stomachache.
Liem - m. glue, mucilage, adhesive, paste.
lieme - to glue or paste.
Lien - a line, reins, leash.
Lieneelj - f. linseed oil.
Lienje - a line, a border, a ruler, straightedge; a branch of the family.
Lienkjebrat - a ruler. (measurement).
Lieta , (M: Litta) - m. liter.
ligje - to lie, as in a bed.
lijcht - a light colour, blond.
Lijcht - n. (pl: a) light, illumination.
Lijcht trigjaun schmiete - reflect.
lijchtbleiw - light blue, indigo.
lijchte - to light the way; to illuminate; for lightning to flash.
Lijchtinkj - (pl: Lijchtinja) a cunning person, a mastermind.
Lijchtrinkj - m. a halo.
Lijchtstrol - f. a light beam.
Lijchttorm - m. a lighthouse.
likjne - for two people to resemble each other. (Daut likjent die; That's
just like you).
lind - mild, soft, lenient.
Lindeboom - m. basswood (linden) tree.
lindre - to alleviate, to soften a hurt, allay, palliate, ameliorate,
soothe, assuage.
lingsch - left handed, left.
linkjpootsch - left handed.
Lint - f. (pl: e) waist of a garment; fuzz, lint.
lintijch - full of fuzz, linty.
List - f. (pl: e) wile, cunning.
Lista - n. taffeta like cloth.
Litera'tüa - f. literature.
Loag - f. (pl: e) situation, predicament, circumstance.
Loaga - n. (pl: sch) couch, bed, place to sleep, bunk, cot; camp.
loagre - to bed down, to set up camp, to billet, to lodge.
Loake - n. (pl: s) large cloth sheet, sheeting, tarpaulin, shroud.
loame - to scold, complain, embark on a diatribe.
Loa(w) - f. (pl: e) mask, guise.
Loa(w) aufnäme - to unmask.
Loch - n. (pl: Lajcha) hole, perforation, lacuna.
locke - to tempt, to entice.
Locke - f. tresses, locks of hair.
Lod - f. (pl: e) box, chest, trunk; shutter; see also Bielod.
Lod - f. shipment, load.
Lod - f. the first green sprouts in spring; shutters.
Loddikj - m. sourdock.
lode - to load, to load a gun.
Lodssadel - m. manifest.
Loff - m. praise, acclaim, kudo.
Loft - f. air, breeze.
Loftblos - f. balloon.
Loftbrams - f. air brake.
loftdijcht - airtight, hermetically sealed.
Loftkjeelinj - f. air conditioning.
Loftkjesse - n. air cushion.
Loftklaup - f. air valve.
loftladijch - vacuous.
Loftloch - n. an air hole, blow hole.
Loftrua - n. trachea, air pipe.
Loftruaentsindung - f. bronchitis.
Loftrüm - f. space; see Rüm.
Loftschepp - n. airplane, airship.
Loftscheppfuamaun - m. pilot.
Loftschrüw - f. propellor.
Loftspäjel - m. mirage.
Lofttoch - an air current.
Loftwall - f. an air wave.
lom - lame.
Lomm - f. (pl: e) boat, dinghy.
lompe - to limp.
Loodiesa - n. a carpenter's level.
loodjlikj - level.
Loof - n. foliage.
looj - reluctant; morbid, torpid.
Loon - n. (pl: Leena) wage, fee.
loone - to pay wages, remunerate, reward, to pay, to be worth it; {daut
loont sikj - it pays to}.
Loop - f. (pl: e) gun barrel.
loope - to run.
Looploch - n. a loophole.
loose - to loosen.
looss - loose.
Looss - lot, ticket from a lottery, share.
loossbandijch - available.
loossbräakje - to break loose, to break away, to break off.
loossbrädre - to burst out laughing.
loossbrockle - to crumble away.
loossdonnre - sudden thunder, fulminate.
loossdrekje - to squeeze the trigger, discharge.
loossfoare - to begin a trip, to start off on a trip.
loossgone - to go off, like a bomb.
loosshoake - to unhook, detach, disconnect, uncouple.
loosskjeepe - to redeem, to buy back.
Loosslada - m. a mischievous person.
loosslaje - to start of, to begin.
loossleese - to untie.
loosslote - to let loose, release, parole; to start a motor.
loossriete - to tear loose, to tear away, loosen, dislodge.
loossschnale - to unbuckle.
loossschrüwe - to unscrew.
loosstrane - to separate from a seam.
loosswoare - to get rid of.
Loow - f. (pl: e) an arbor, a bower.
Lost - f. (pl: e) energy, mirth, joy; inclination towards.
Lostfoat - f. joyride.
lostijch - gay, merry, blithe, jolly, frisky, mirthsome, frolicsome.
Lostijchkjeit - merriment, gaiety.
Lostspell - n. comedy.
lot , lota , lotste - late, later, latest.
lote - to leave, to let, to allow, to permit.
lowe - to praise, commend, laud, eulogize.
lowe onn prole - brag, exaggerate, vaunt.
lowesweat - praiseworthy, laudable, creditable.
lo'zheare - to lodge, to board.
Luabäablaut - n. laurel leaf, bay leaf.
Luabäakraunz - m. crown of laurel.
Lüag - f. a lye or soap solution.
Lüak - onion greens, scallions, leeks.
lüare - to await, tarry, pause, hesitate.
Luck - f. (pl: e) trap door, hatch; the rear flap on a long winter underwear.
lüd , lüda , lüdste - loud, louder, loudest; noisy, boisterous.
Lüda - n. (pl: sch) useless cow, wench, loose woman.
lüdboa - for public knowledge.
lüde Ko'llea - garrish.
Lüdesschrenkja - m. muffler, silencer.
lüdet Je'schell - a tirade, railing.
Lüdspräakja - m. (pl: sch) loudspeaker.
Lumpa'rie - n. (pl: e) shabby, ragged clothing; disorderly, disorganized
Lumpe - rags, tatters.
Lung - f. (pl: e) lung.
Lungenentsindung - pneumonia, pleurisy.
Lunss - (pl: e) a piece of rag.
luntre - to loiter.
lupre - see auflupre.
Lusch - f. (pl: e) paper bag.
lüsijch - lousy.
Lüskjekjnekja , Lüskjekjniepa - nit picker; see also Bottalekja.
Lüskjekrüt - n. small burrs.
Lüss - (pl: Lies) louse.
lüta - mere, pure, nothing but; sincere.
lu'tearisch - lutheran.
Lutsch - f. (pl: e) a baby soother, pacifier.
© Herman Rempel 1984,1995, and Mennonite
Literary Society 1984,1995, and 1998-2006, and Eugene
Reimer 2006. Released under the Creative
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.